New Be, New Me Video!

We are proud to be a part of this inspiring initiative! Produced and directed by community leader Ben Gilbarg, and starring New Bedford’s Samantha Johnson, the New Be, New Me campaign aims to encourage youth to take pride in their community and in themselves, to take care of their health, […] Read more »

MiM NB Receives Grant to Study Physical Activity in New Bedford!

We are pleased to announce that we – in partnership with Mass in Motion Fall River & UMass Dartmouth’s Public Policy Center – have received a grant from Southcoast Health to study physical activity among residents of New Bedford and Fall River.  Led by the Public Policy Center, we will conduct A Study […] Read more »

163 New Bike Racks Installed Throughout New Bedford

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Over the past month, the city’s Department of Public Infrastructure (DPI) installed 163 new bike racks throughout the city’s schools and parks. The city received a $20,000 grant from the Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) to install these bike racks, giving cyclists more opportunity to ride their […] Read more »