163 New Bike Racks Installed Throughout New Bedford

Over the past month, the city’s Department of Public Infrastructure (DPI) installed 163 new bike racks throughout the city’s schools and parks. The city received a $20,000 grant from the new bike racks 2Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) to install these bike racks, giving cyclists more opportunity to ride their bikes and securely store them while not in use.

More and more adults and children are using bicycles as a main form of transportation and for recreation, so their sense of safety and security is important to us at Mass in  Motion New Bedford, as well as the other city departments and the New Bedford Bicycle Committee.

We cannot encourage people to start riding bikes, or ride their bikes more, if the appropriate infrastructure isn’t in place, so it was great that we were able to use this money to install the bike racks throughout the city, and DPI did a great job of organizing the installation of the racks and getting the job done quickly – we take our hats off to them!

The increase in bike racks also complements the work we are doing around Safe Routes to School and the city’s Bicycle Master Plan. While SRTS encourages students to walk and/or bike to school on a daily basis, the Bicycle Master Plan – once completed – will continue to increase awareness about cycling safety, connect communities through bicycle paths, and develop safe bicycle paths and trails.

The new racks can be found at the following locations:


Ashley, Campbell, Carney, Congdon, DeValles, Gomes, Hathaway, Hayden-McFadden, Kempton, Pacheco, Parker, Pulaski, Rodman, Swift, Taylor, and Winslow Elementary Schools; and New Bedford High School and Athletic Fields.


Brooklawn, Buttonwood, Clasky Common, Gomes, Harrington, Lot 13 Athletic Fields, Magnet, Monet, Pine Hill, Riverside, River’s End, Pulaski, and Victory Parks; and East Beach


Elm St Garage, Hurricane Barrier East, Zeterion Garage