Healthy Markets Initiative


Healthy Markets Guidelines

Through this initiative, we work with local corner stores and small markets, encouraging them to sell and promote fresh produce, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products – particularly healthier snack items for children to purchase on their way to and from school.

Corner stores and small markets are often the primary shopping center for low-income individuals who lack transportation, and this initiative goes a long way to provide them with these items, and show market owners there is a demand. A Healthy Market is defined as those convenient stores that are actively working to meet our guidelines to provide healthy, affordable choices for their customers. Our guidelines include stocking at least two fruits or vegetables, three healthy grains or cereals, and healthy beverages inclhealthymarketslogouding fat free or low fat milk, 100% juice, and water. The complete list of guidelines can be found at the top.

As part of the initiative, we offer our healthy markets a variety of promotional materials to help make the healthy choice the easy choice. These include price markers, counter mats, floor mats, food bins and more.

Currently, we have nine Healthy Markets in New Bedford that have begun to make these healthy changes to their businesses.

Amaral’s Fish Market
488 Belleville Ave.

Continental Market
243 Sawyer Street

Demello’s Market
1275 Cove Rd.

Down to Earth
751 Kempton Street

Giammalvo’s Market
1914 Purchase Street

Quick Pic
452 Cottage Street

The Butcher Shop
123 Dartmouth Street

Union Fruit Market
1437 Acushnet Avenue

Xavier’s Market
290 N Front Street

If you are a store owner and would like to know more about the initiative check out our Healthy Market’s Owner Fact Sheet. If you would like to join our initiative to make New Bedford a healthier community, please contact us at for more information.