Summer Beverage Challenge


  • A sugar-sweetened beverage is a drink with sugar added. To find out if a drink contains sugar, look for any of these words on the list of ingredients:  high fructose corn syrup, corn sweetener, evaporated cane juice, malt syrup, sucrose, dextrose and fructose.
  • The largest source of added sugar in kids’ diets isn’t cookies or candy – it is drinks! Sugary drinks contribute to overweight and obesity, chronic diseases such as diabetes and are also harmful to teeth.
  • In the United States, 8 out of 10 children and 6 out of 10 adults consume at least one sugar-sweetened beverage on an average day.
  • Sugary drinks don’t just increase caloric intake, they increase spending too! A household can save an average of $762.24 in just one year, by eliminating sodas and juices from their diet! Best of all, water is free.
  • Remember good nutrition is for everyone, not just for people who are overweight and sugar-sweetened beverages increase a child’s risk of becoming overweight over time.

 To Drink or Not to Drink, That is the Question

To Drink:

→ WATER – Always the BEST! Be creative and squeeze fruits like limes into your water to add extra flavor.

→ Sodium-free seltzer

→ Juice spritzers – Mix a splash of 100% juice with sodium-free seltzer

→ Skim and low-fat milk

→ 100% juice – limit to 4 oz. per day

→ Diluted 100% juice – 4 oz. of water mixed with 4 oz. of juice

NOT to Drink:

x Soda and diet soda
x Sweetened iced teas
x Fruitades (lemonade, etc.)
x Sports drinks
x Juice drinks/juice cocktails
x Vitamin waters
x Fruit punches
x Energy drinks