Healthy Dining New Bedford

View Healthy Dining New Bedford Restaurants
Healthy Dining New Bedford Restaurant Application

Healthy DIning New BedfordThrough this initiative, we work with local restaurants to look at their existing menu and extract and/or develop healthy options that meet the guidelines of the program. The goal is to simply provide diners with the option of dishes with fewer calories, smaller portions, and more vegetables. We also encourage restaurants to offer organic and locally grown meats and produce.

This program is voluntary and open to all restaurants that want to serve healthy meal options and offer seating in a healthy environment. We promote our Healthy Dining Restaurants year-round through Facebook, the local press, and in any venue where we can encourage residents to choose a Healthy Dining Restaurant for their next meal or next event. Participating restaurants also receive a Healthy Dining New Bedford window decal. Restaurants join throughout the year, so visit our site frequently to stay up-to-date!


If you are a restaurant owner and would like to know more about becoming a Healthy Dining Restaurant, please contact us at for more information.