Physical Activity Study


Woman walking on sidewalk, sport shoe close-up

With a generous grant from Southcoast Health, we are currently conducting a Physical Activity Study to assess physical activity among residents of New Bedford and Fall River.  Led by the The Public Policy Center at UMass Dartmouth, we will conduct A Study of Active Living Across New Bedford & Fall River to document all available physical activity programming, speak with residents and key leaders about barriers and challenges to participation, and identify recommendations for program modifications and new programs that will aim to increase impact.

The main goal of this study is to create a set of recommendations for MiM NB and other organizations that can help create a stronger impact through physical activity programming. The CDC continues to report that only 1 in 5 adults get enough physical activity each day, and fewer than 30% of high school students get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day – highlighting the need for successful and effective programming.

Once finished, this report will be widely distributed and made available to any organization or individual interested!