
john sullivan

Bicycle Master Plan

In fall 2014, we began working with the City of New Bedford’s Planning Office to implement a Bicycle Master Plan, building upon our input within New Bedford’s 2020 Citywide Master Plan. Our goals include:

  • Increasing awareness for community members about cycling and walking safety
  • Connecting communities through bicycle paths
  • Developing safe bicycle/walking paths and trails

Here’s a link to the 2015 New Bedford Bikeability Assessment put together by the City.

South Coast Bikeway Association & New Bedford Bicycle Committee

In 2010, Mass in Motion New Bedford and Mass in Motion Fall River were integral in creating South Coast Bikeway to “work with local leaders and organizations to build a network of bikeways along the South Coast region to promote active transportation and recreation.”

From there, Mass in Motion New Bedford brought stakeholders together to create the New Bedford Bicycle Committee (NBBC), a more localized effort within New Bedford. South Coast Bikeway and NBBC have become thriving organizations, and have been key in advocating for, and implementing, additional bicycle lanes throughout New Bedford and the Southcoast.

NBBC has also continued to work with MiM NB to provide workshops and education to community members, including cycling safety and bicycle repair. The NBBC and MiM NB also played a key role in getting a dedicated staff member at the city’s Department of Public Infrastructure to focus on any cycling infrastructure and improvements throughout the city.
