NB Public School District Wins Award for Safe Routes to School!

In late June, the New Bedford Public School District won the Measurable Impact award from MassDOT for their work with us and Massachusetts Safe Routes to School encouraging students to bike and walk to school on a daily basis. Lt. Governor Karyn Polito spoke at the ceremony, saying “I am thrilled to see the passion and skills these award winners have exhibited in promoting safe bicycling and walking in their communities…The Safe Routes to School program is key to instilling healthy, safe bicycling and walking habits into students at an early age.” We couldn’t agree more!1

We are continuing to work with our partners at the New Bedford schools to identify safe routes for children to walk and/or bike safely to school each day. Here is a great article from the Standard Times about the award!

Our friends in Fall River and Fairhaven won awards as well!
